Neck Injury Compensation in Bolton

If you have been in an accident and suffered any sort of neck injury, you may be entitled to compensation.

What Are Neck Injuries?

Neck injury more than often affects your muscles – irrespective of whether the injury is serious or not. Some common conditions that may impact your neck as a result of an accident are whiplash, muscle strain, neck sprain, herniated disc and neck fractures. These accidents may be car accidents or slips, trips, and falls. Symptoms of the conditions mentioned include stiffness, pain, swelling, weakness and instability. In any of these circumstances the recommended course of action would be to speak to our personal injury solicitors ** in Bolton who would be able to give you legal guidance as well as help you obtain compensation.

Ignoring any sort of damage to the neck or areas surrounding it can be dangerous, as many important nerves run through it. A lot of the times, neck injuries take place in conjunction with an injury caused to the shoulders or the head. Whiplash is probably seen as one of the milder injuries, as a bigger shock can result in serious injuries leading up to immobility and paralysis. It is vital to seek immediate medical attention in these situations to avoid aggravating the injury, as it is very common in neck injuries for the pain to start a day or two after the accident has happened. In some cases, there may be absolutely no symptoms at all until a few days after.

Compensation claims for neck injuries, if successful, can help you cover the costs of medical attention as well any lost earnings. In most situations where damage to the neck or areas surrounding it has taken place, time-consuming and expensive corrective procedures may be required. There are a number of different treatments available for neck injuries, such as physiotherapy or surgery. Contacting our personal injury lawyers ** will help you get compensation as well as legal guidance concerning what to do next.

We can help and support workers and residents of Bolton with neck injury compensation claims. Our specialist personal injury solicitors ** have over a decade of experience in working on claims such as these and are available now for a free phone consultation. Our solicitors all work on a no win, no fee * agreement and can help claimants and their families claim for neck and spinal injuries after any type of accident, for example an accident at work, or due to car accidents.

The amount of neck injury compensation that you can claim after a spinal or cervical injury will vary depending on the severity of the accident. The most common claim types that we are able to deal with include whiplash, cracked vertebrae, and paralysis.

How Neck Injuries Can Occur

There are common neck injury claims that are reported in the Bolton area, all of which we can offer you legal representation on. Car accidents are the most common reason for people making neck injury claims, typically because of Whiplash.

The types of accidents leading to these claims include:

How Much Neck Injury Compensation Could You Be Due?

Because neck injuries can have different levels of severity, the amount of compensation that may be received also varies but can be quite significant. Example compensation amounts for neck injury cases can range through the following types, based on historical claims made in the UK over the last few years:

  • Minor neck injury – Up to £1,600
  • Whiplash symptoms – Between £1,600 and £3,200
  • Disc and spinal damage – Between £5,600 and £18,000
  • Serious neck injury claims – Between £18,000 and £110,000
  • Cases involving paralysis – Between £140,000 and £300,000

Call Now for a Free Neck Injury Consultation

If you would like to know more, then please call us today. Our phone lines are every day and with a quick free telephone consultation we might be able to tell you how much neck injury compensation you or a family member could be due. Call 01204 802 050^ now.

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