Stress At Work Claims for Compensation in Bolton

Stress at work is a growing problem in the UK, with over 11.7million working days lost due to work-related stress in 2015/16. If work-related stress is something that you have, or are being affected by, then you could be owed compensation.

Your employer is responsible for creating and maintaining a healthy working environment, and when work-related conditions such as anxiety and depression are allowed to develop amongst employees, then they could be liable.

Contact our solicitors ** to see if you could be due compensation. Call 01204 802 050^ if you’ve suffered from stress at work in Bolton and want to explore your options for compensation. We work on a no win, no fee * basis, and with one quick call you can find out whether it’s possible to claim for compensation.

Making A Stress-At-Work Claim in Bolton

Most people feel that they have to suffer in silence if they are suffering from work-related psychological issues. However, this is not the case. Your employer owes you a duty of care and if you are not being offered adequate support at work then they could be accountable for the suffering you are experiencing. If you have explained your stress to management, they should have made some of the following adjustments to help you:

  • Extra support or supervision
  • Reduced working hours
  • Reallocation of work
  • Provision of confidential counselling

There are several things that employers can do to make sure that employees feel as though their stress-at-work is being taken seriously. They must consider the following actions if you or colleagues have flagged up work-related psychological suffering:

  • Using return to work interviews to allow employees to voice concerns following sickness leave regarding stress-related absence.
  • Creating a stress at work policy — this should give employees guidance on how to deal with the effects of stressful conditions
  • Carrying out a stress at work audit — this should encourage employees to rank their concerns in respect of stress, highlighting to employers where the stress is coming from.
  • Training of management to recognise situations likely to cause stress in the workplace, how to identify symptoms of stress, and how to manage employee’s stress levels.

Your Employer’s Responsibility for Stress

If your employer has done nothing to alleviate stress in the workplace, despite complaints, then legal action is the next option. Our lawyers ** understand how daunting this can be, especially with concerns of job loss and the negative impact this can have on your career.

However, we can assure you that your employer is not legally allowed to dismiss you on these grounds. We will support you to win your compensation claim in relation to how much suffering you have endured, taking the likes of loss of earnings into account too. We want you to enjoy the quality of life you enjoyed prior to work-related stress.

Additionally, bringing legal action against your employer should encourage them to change their approach to employee support — which could help many others in your situation in future. If you want to put an end to your employment suffering today, get in touch on 01204 802 050^.

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